['/', '/at/', '/at/burgenland/', '/at/krnten/', '/at/niedersterreich/', '/at/obersterreich/', '/at/salzburg/', '/at/steiermark/', '/at/tirol/', '/at/vorarlberg/', '/be/', '/be/vlaanderen/', '/be/wallonie/']
['/at/', '/at/burgenland/', '/at/krnten/', '/at/niedersterreich/', '/at/obersterreich/', '/at/salzburg/', '/at/steiermark/', '/at/tirol/', '/at/vorarlberg/']
{'1312247': {'available_translations': {'de': 1312248}, 'id': 1312247, 'title': 'a'}, '1314452': {'available_translations': {'de': 1314453}, 'id': 1314452, 'title': 'Erneuerbare Wärmeerzeugung'}, '1314454': {'available_translations': {'de': 1314455}, 'id': 1314454, 'title': 'Smart City Strategie'}}
{'1314456': {'available_translations': {'de': 1314457}, 'id': 1314456, 'title': 'LED-Tubes in Tiefgaragen'}, '1314458': {'available_translations': {'de': 1314459}, 'id': 1314458, 'title': 'Gelebte Kooperation in Dornbirn'}}
{'1314456': {'available_translations': {'de': 1314457}, 'id': 1314456, 'title': 'LED-Tubes in Tiefgaragen'}, '1314458': {'available_translations': {'de': 1314459}, 'id': 1314458, 'title': 'Gelebte Kooperation in Dornbirn'}}
{'action_type_adaptation': False, 'action_type_energy_poverty': False, 'action_type_mitigation': False, 'approval_date': '2019-08-14 07:55:15.061119', 'area_of_intervention': 'modal_shift_to_public_transport', 'cite': None, 'co2_reduction': None, 'co2_reduction_comment': None, 'community': 'Dornbirn', 'contact_person': None, 'description': 'short description', 'eea_advisor_contact': 'your.eee@advisor.contact', 'eea_area': 'mobility', 'energy_savings': None, 'example_description': '<p>Some richtext</p><p>contianing tags and more.</p>', 'files': {'1333929': {'filename': 'filename.docx', 'url': '/v1/example/1314460/file/1333929'}}, 'finance': None, 'id': 1314461, 'image': {'filename': 'image_filename.png', 'url': '/v1/example/1314460/image'}, 'image_caption': 'A beautiful image.', 'image_credits': 'Hans Moleman', 'implementation_cost': None, 'implementation_end_year': None, 'implementation_size_type': None, 'implementation_size_unit': None, 'implementation_size_value': None, 'implementation_start_year': 2011, 'implementation_status': 'ongoing', 'jobs_created': None, 'language': 'de', 'lessons_learned': None, 'players': None, 'quote': None, 'renewable_energy_produced': None, 'responsible_body': None, 'sector': 'transport', 'stakeholders_involved': None, 'title': 'Betriebliches Mobilitätsmanagement', 'type_of_policy_instrument': None, 'video_url': None, 'website_url': None}
binary data
binary data
Error messages will always be returned in JSON format containing the key: 'error' and the error message as its according value.
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request are allowed.
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{ "error": "500 Internal Server Error: The server encountered an internal error and was unable to complete your request. Either the server is overloaded or there is an error in the application." }
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